
Dwarf or Falco hawkfish - Cirrhitichthys falco -
This beautiful little hawkfish with its filigree tufts (or cirri) on the tips of its dorsal fins was hiding during the night. Hawkfishes are usually very shy. During the day they perch on on the edge of coral heads and disappear quickly if divers come near

Dieser kleine Zwerg-Büschelbarsch (Korallenwächter) mit seinen Cirri (Anhängsel) and den Rückenflossen versteckte sich in einer Weichkoralle. Auch bei Tag sind diese Tiere sehr scheu, sobald man sich ihnen nähert verschwinden sie

Coral fish

Blackstriped goatfish - Upeneus tragula -

Mittelstreifen Barbe


orange anemonefish - Amphiprion sandaracinos - Orangener Anemonenfisch


Oblique-banded Sweetlips
Lined sweetlips
 - Plectorhinchus lineatus -

The Oblique-banded Sweetlips can be recognised by its colouration. It is silvery white with oblique black bands on the body. The median fins are yellow with black spots and the lips are yellow.

It grows to 50 cm in length.

This species occurs in coral reef and inshore tropical areas of the eastern Indian Ocean and Western Pacific.

 Diagonal Süsslippe


Clark's anemonefish - Amphiprion clarkii - Sattelfleck Anemonenfische (Amphiprion polymnus) bei der Brutpflege


Clarks Anemonenfisch
an Teppichanemone

Clark's anemonefish - Amphiprion clarkii -

dark variation - Amphiprion ocellaris -


Clarks Anemonenfisch
schwarze Variante

The Blue Angelfish has a deep compressed body. It is yellow to brownish with small blue spots on body. There is a bright blue ring around the eye. The preopercular spine and margins of the operculum and preoperculum are bright blue. The margins of the ventral fins and median fins fins are bright blue.

It grows to 38 cm in length. This species occurs in coral reef and inshore waters of the Western Indian Ocean to the Central Pacific.

Blue Angelfish Pomacanthus semicirculatus Cuvier, 1831

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Spinecheek anemonefish - Premnas biaculeatus - Stachel Anemonenfisch

Malapascua Coralfishes - Korallenfische

Malapascua Island 

Facts+Description of Malapascua (9),SeaLife 1

Visayan Sea, Cebu, Philippines,

[Getting there]
[Lodging ]
[Island Map]
[Treasure Hunt]