

Divers Services   with  Fotos Malapascua und WreckDiver M/V South Korea sunk 24.12.1999 Malapascua


Sea Explorers Diving Center Malapascua
Tauchsite von MALAPASCUA “Sea Explorers”, neu seit 12.99.
This new Diversite “Malapascua Sea Explorer” started December 1999

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Exotisches Philippinen  von Oliver Schwock. Eine super Homepage, mit vielen Links zu weiteren HP´s über die Phils, Bildberichte über Davao, Camiguin, Tinago Falls, Kawasan Falls, Mati, sowie Travel Info´s , div. Reiseberichte, Traumhaus auf den Phils etc. Gute interessante HomePage.


Hier der Reisebericht über Malapascua  von Steffen & Tina
Nach einer Hoellenfahrt mit Rough Riders, sie machen ihrem Namen wirklich alle Ehre, entstiegen wir mit schlotternden Beinen dem Bus in Maya, der Endstation, und gleichzeitig Ausgangspunkt fuer Malapascua. Bevor wir uns um unsere Rucksaecke kuemmern konnten, waren diese bereits von einem uebereifrigen Helfer auf ein Boot “DESAMPERADOS” gebracht worden, das beladen war mit Einheimischen, Bierkisten, Baumaterialien und den Grundnahrungsmitteln Reis und Rum..Die Bootsbesitzerin wollte uns 400 Peso fuer die Ueberfahrt aus der Tasche ziehen, es waere angeblich ein "Specialride". Laechelnd winkten wir ab, da wir ueber die Preise aufgeklaert waren. Daraufhin zeigte die resolute Dame ihr wahres Gesicht und fluchte lautstark vor sich hin. Wir einigten uns schliesslich auf 50 Peso pro Nase......


Jens Peters, schöne Bilder Malapascua, Visayas.   Nice pictures about Malapascua

Jens Peters ist Autor des “PHILIPPINEN Reisenhandbuches, ISBN 3-923821-26-3”, sehen Sie seine schönen Fotos über Malapascua und Visayas.


Bilder von unbekannt über eine Reise nach Malapascua


Macros of Malapascua, by Honkdivers. Very wonderful Fotos from macro underwaterworld Malapascua, by Rowena Yua


Lexicon Fotoseiten über Seefische in Deutsch, sehr gut


Einige nette Bilder von Malapascua aus 2002, Some nice pictures about Malapascua
DEc. 2002 Eddy Scholze Hamburg


bubbles no troubles©no bananas on the island! ThresherShark and Mandarinfish
Date: Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2001
Dive site: Lighthouse, Malapascua - Philippines
Depth: 10.1 m
Duration: 120 Minuten
Als wir auf der morgendlichen Einkaufstour an verschiedenen Sari Sari Stores nach Banananen oder irgendwelchen anderen Fruechten fragen, werden wir einmal mehr mit dem Ausdruck "sorry, no have" konfrontiert. Nahezu die ganze Insel ist mit Kokospalmen, Papayas und Bananenstauden bedeckt, aber aus unerfindlichen Gruenden, wir vermuten auf zweier vorangegangener Regentage, ist nicht eine einzige Banane oder sonst eine Frucht kaeuflich erwerbbar. Ein philippinisches Mysterium!
So finden wir in den naechsten 15 Minuten 9 Mandarinfische (2, 3, 2, 1, 1). Sie haben sich ausnahmslos im Geroell eines Korallenrueckens versteckt, die meisten unter schwarzen


Reisebricht über Malapascuas TREHSERS in Deutsch von Armin
bubbles no troubles©treshers before breakfast
Date: Dienstag, 29. Mai 2001
Dive site: Monad Shoal (sunken island), Malapascua - Philippines
.......Als er sich unserem Blickfeld entzieht, tauchen wir weiter, allerdings keine 30 m bis wir den naechsten "tresher" ausmachen koennen. Zuweilen kurven sie so nahe an uns vorbei, dass man an der Bewegung des Auges erkennen kann, dass er uns mit seinen grossen schwarzen Kugelaugen beobachtet. Im Verlauf des Tauchgangs schiebt sich dann auch noch zweimal ein Mobula (kleinere, leicht modifizierte Ausgabe des Mantas) ins Blickfeld. Sind dann jeweils diese saubloeden Situationen, wo man als Taucher nicht weiss, was man sich jetzt denn anschauen soll. Natuerlich (?) sehen wir auch noch 2 Fuchshaie zusammen ihre Runden drehen und "last but not least", vielleicht sollte man solche Dinge gar nicht schreiben, flattert noch ein richtig fettes Leintuch (Manta brevirostris) vor uns ueber das Plateau hinweg. Whau! ...................


Travel and exploration links





Earthwatch Institute  Earthwatch Institute operates on a very simple but radical notion: that if you fully involve the general public in the process of science, you not only give them understanding, you give the world a future.
The mission of the Earthwatch Institute is to promote sustainable conservation of our natural resources and cultural heritage by creating partnerships between scientists, educators and the general public.


Imperial Japanese Navy Page  At the beginning of the Second World War, the Japanese Navy (or, in the Japanese language, Nihon Kaigun, or even Teikoku Kaigun, the Imperial Navy) was arguably the most powerful navy in the world. Its naval aviation corps, consisting of 10 aircraft carriers and 1500 topnotch aviators, was the most highly trained and proficient force of its kind. Its 11 (soon to be 12) battleships were among the most powerful in the world. And its surface forces, armed with the superb 24" Type 93 (Long Lance) torpedo, were incomparable night fighters. How and why this impressive force was eventually crushed by the U.S. Navy is a subject that has fascinated me practically forever..........................


Mountain Climbing, Trips


Nordic Underwater Archaeology
If you like history and scuba diving, this is for you. Learn about maritime archaeology worldwide, from a north European perspective


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Taal trekking page, TOUR DESCRIPTION:  (0630H - 0700H - pick-up time)
Drive through the scenic countryside to the town of Talisay in Batangas. Upon arrival, board motorized outriggers to Taal Volcano Island 30 minutes away. Assisted by an Island coordinator, trek up to a wide expanse of hardened black lava to the rim of the crater & view the awesome moon-like landscape. Visitors will have a close-up view of the caldera from the rim Return to a shoreline resort for a sumptuous lunch.


Mount Pinatubo - Post Eruption, Philippines Mount Pinatubo on the island of Luzon (15.0N, 120.0E) erupted catastrophically in June 1991 after over 600 years of inactivity. In this vertical view......

Mt.Pinatubo fals color image This is a false color L-band and C-band image of the area around Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, centered at about 15 degrees north latitude, 120.5 degrees east longitude. This image was acquired by the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C and X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) aboard the space shuttle Endeavour on orbit 78 on April 13, 1994.

Mt. Pinatubo comparison These are color composite radar images showing the area around Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. The images were acquired by the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C and X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) aboard the space shuttle Endeavour on April 14, 1994 (left image) and October 5,1994 (right image)





Explorers Dive Club - Wreck Diving Articles


International List of Cave Divers on the Net:  
I´dont know if this adress is still on the net ???


Eastern hemisphere wrecks
Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Pacific Ocean, Asia and Oceania


I met Paul Allen in Cebu / Philippines and he told me about his diving adventures. This are the beautieszt Fotos i ever saw, and this is the link to his underwater SHIPWRECKS world.

Although photographing marine life will always be the priority, the odd adventure can be a welcome diversion. Visiting the quiet,

lonely wreck of a once bustling and useful ship, is often a mellow experience. Warships provoke particular emotions according to

histories both glorious and dire alike and often leading to reflection on the fate of the crew, regardless of nationality.

Perhaps it should never be forgotten by visitors, that many a gallant crew suffered the same fate as their ship.



Diver links, Tauchen


Scottys Dive Centre, would like to announce the opening of our 5th dive centre in the Philippines. Scotty's Dive Centre, Puerto Galera is located in the Coral Cove Beach Resort, just minutes


Dive Buddies Info Desk Tourist Info Destinations Resorts Live-aboards Dive Center Newsletter Buddy Directory Links Contact Us Tour Center Batangas Bohol Busuanga Cebu - Mactan Cebu


BLUE ABYSS DIVE SHOP Moalboal, Homepage in english or german
Come dive with the professionals and experience the beauty of the sea !
The Blue Abyss Dive Shop, 6032 Cebu, Moalboal, Philippines Tel./Fax: + 63 (0)32 474 0031


Honkongdivers, beautiful underwater fotos. Very very exiting fotos.


Tolle Seite mit Fotos von Threshersharks Malapascua.
Site with wonderful fotos about Threshersharks Malapascua Island.


I met Paul Allen in Cebu / Philippines and he told me about his diving adventures. This are the beautieszt Fotos i ever saw, and this is the link to his underwater world.

A photographers eye on coral reefs and their inhabitants in the seas of Indonesia, the Philippine Islands, Papua and Micronesia, by Paul Allen.


Favorite links to related sites and other, Cebu, Malapascua, Mactan, Bohol, Olango ect.


Links about CEBU


National Heros of the Philippines Lapu Lapu, Jose Rizal, Gregorio del Pilar, Tandang Sora, Andres Bonifacio, Marcelo del Pilar, Franzisko Baltazar.    Geography, Climate, Agriculture, Language, Leisure, National Symbols.


A walk through "MY " CEBU - from Fort San Pedro to Santo Nino
A realistic description about Cebu and surrounding regions. In my opinion the best i have ever read about.  From the author Alfred N. "Joe" Bruckner


German specialty Restaurant “BORUSSIA” in Cebu.  If you are one day really looking for good german food/cuisin, well here is a very good german restaurant in Cebu. At Borussia Restaurant, Chuchi and Jürgen give personalized service, serve authentic German cuisine, and offer a variety natural German breads.


Treasure Links


another TREASURE Chat


....more interesting Filippino and International Links



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Malapascua Island 

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Visayan Sea, Cebu, Philippines,

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