Mike and his native friend OSCAR
Malapascua Mike: Sailor/Matrose/Bootsmann/Shipcarpenter/Officer, internationale Handelsschiffahrt, Deutsche Handelsmarine, Bürokaufmann, Computerprogrammierer CLARION Dienstplanungsprogramme, Internetbegleiter, Securitymanager, living (at this time), Bruchkoebel, a small Village near Frankfurt am Main in Germany.
Pike, Kyle, Diose
Where we live now. Bruchkoebel in the heart of Germany nearby from Frankfurt am Main . Germany, in the heart of Europe. A country with big and leading international high technologie industrie companies like: VW (Volkswagen), BMW, Daimler-Benz (Mercedes), Audi, Porsche, Siemens, Airbus, MBB, DASA, AEG , MAN, Thyssen, BASF, BAYER, Höchst, and much more like Wieland-Security. |
The population is about 85 million people. Germany is the biggest country in Europe. At wintertime the days begin at 9:00 a clock in the morning (nightdarkness ends) and ends at 4 a clock in the afternoon (nightdarkness begins). So we have in the winter only very shot days but very long dark nights. Its cold in the winter, about 0 to -10/20 degrees Celsius with ice and snow (sometimes). Thats the reason we like warm countries like the Philippines. On the other side, in the summertime, daytime starts at 4:00 a clock in the morning and ends later than 22:00 hours (10:00 pm) in the night. So in summertime there is only a nighttime from 6 hours ! German Geography Germany is located in the Central Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, between
the Netherlands and Poland, south of Denmark. Roughly the size of Montana and situated even farther north, unified Germany has an area of 356,959 square kilometers. Extending 853 kilometers from its northern border with Denmark to
the Alps in the south, it is the sixth largest country in Europe. At its widest, Germany measures approximately 650 kilometers from the Belgian-German border in the west to the Polish frontier in the east. Topography
: With its irregular, elongated shape, Germany provides an excellent example of a recurring sequence of landforms
found the world over. A plain dotted with lakes, moors, marshes, and heaths retreats from the sea and reaches inland, where it becomes a landscape of hills crisscrossed by streams, rivers, and valleys. These hills lead upward,
gradually forming high plateaus and woodlands and eventually climaxing in spectacular mountain ranges. Climate: Cool, continental climate with abundant rainfall and long overcast season. Lower temperatures with considerable snowfall in east and south. Prone to rapid weather variations from merging of Gulf Stream and extreme northeastern climate conditions. More about climate </library/facts/bl_climate.htm> in Germany... Administrative Division: 16 states (Länder): Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thueringen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top-tasty German Recipes German culture review would not be
complete without its specific and absolutely adorable cuisine. The peculiarity of German food is in its sustenance, which is the reason for some people to consider it somewhat 'heavy'. However, this is but a prejudice. Just peep
into the cookbook of mouth-watering recipes from Germany and it will win your heart, enrich your daily menu, and get your spirits high! |
Malapascua Island
Visayan Sea, Cebu, Philippines,